A Wall Street lawyer hires a new clerk who, after an initial bout of hard work, refuses to make copies or do any other task required of him, refusing with the words "I would prefer not to."
I can no longer accept a narrative of education, which teaches me that my village grandmother was illiterate, primitive, backward, stupid, uneducated, underdeveloped, uncivilized and not capable of managing her own affairs.
Given the well-established image of Paulo Freire as a progressive, radical even revolutionary, it may seem preposterous, outrageous, even ridiculous to present him as a conservative thinker and practitioner.
A brief note on the need to overthrow the present day "educational system" and call for the multiversities movement.
“The West taught us that they are 'materialists' and we are 'spiritualists'. But this is a fragmented lie. We are spiritual materialists. This is perhaps the most important aspect to understand for any cultural regeneration efforts.
Some symptoms of TEDxitis -- the disease of watching too many TED talks.
James Scott builds a persuasive case against "development theory" and imperialistic state planning that disregards the values, desires, and objections of its subjects.