Udaipur as a Learning City is a process-project which attempts to co-create and re-discover different kinds of learning eco-systems throughout the city. This process was started about 15 years ago to unfold and highlight different visions, dreams, practices and experiments which are more sustainable, local and community-driven. The core belief driving this process is that we need to deeply rethink our urban lifestyles and create alternatives to the way urbanization and complex change is taking place in India. ULC is an intergenerational, multi-partisan platform which also encourages us to re-imagine the concepts of public commons, abundance vs scarcity, vulgar consumption, media and expressions, sustainable lifestyles, and happiness. There is a special focus on unlearning. The ULC process has nurtured many innovative prototypes and incubated many new changemakers and sustainable initiatives in the city. For more frequent updates, check out our Shikshantar Andolan facebook page.